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Whether it is necessary to disconnect the power of the instantaneous intelligent thermostatic water heater when closing it

Whether it is necessary to disconnect the power of the instantaneous intelligent thermostatic water heater when closing it

Date of issue: 2020-03-20 Author: Wanmet Click:

We must first clarify the problem, when to turn off the power, when to use the power, when not to use the power; Whether the water heater is of water storage type or instant heating type, we will explain these situations in detail, and whether it is necessary to disconnect the power of the water heater?

Why turn off instant heating Intelligent thermostatic water heater Power supply of? Because it takes a long time for preheating and heat preservation, it will consume a lot of electric energy. The other is security. Under what circumstances do you need to turn off the power?

1. If the number of people in the home is relatively small (1-2 people) and the frequency of bathing is not high, the power supply will need to be turned off in this case, because the preheating time of the water heater is long and the holding time is long, which will lead to considerable power loss.

 Instant intelligent thermostatic water heater

2. Instant intelligent thermostatic water heater has a service life. When the service life of the water heater is long, it will reach 8 years. After 10 years of use, the water heater needs to be cut off. The possibility of leakage is very small. Repair and replace the water heater to ensure a safe and comfortable water environment

3. The water heater in the rented house also needs to be turned off. We do not know how long the water heater in the rented house has been used, nor whether its safety meets the requirements. Therefore, it is better to deal with power failure.

Instant intelligent thermostatic water heater is equipped with multiple protective devices to prevent leakage. When the processor detects a current problem, it will trigger the leakage protection device. The water heater stops working, with high safety performance. Then, do you need to close Instant water heater Power supply of.

When the instantaneous intelligent thermostatic water heater is not used, it is recommended to close the water valve and disconnect the circuit, which is a better choice, especially the water circuit valve must be closed, otherwise the water heater may be under pressure for a long time and may leak water. In general, it is not necessary to turn off the power supply, which has little impact.

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key word: Instant intelligent thermostatic water heater , Fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater , Integrated intelligent thermostatic water heater

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