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So, which water heater is safer?

So, which water heater is safer?

Date of issue: 2019-08-15 Author: 10000 meters Click:

At present, the water heaters sold in the market are roughly divided into quick heating type Intelligent thermostatic water heater Electric water heater , solar water heater, air energy water heater and magnetic energy water heater. Among them, the fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater is also divided into direct discharge fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater (unsafe, eliminated), flue type fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater and balanced fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater, and the electric water heater is divided into water storage electric water heater and Instant electric water heater With the improvement of living standards, many families are pursuing personalized experience of water heaters, but the safety problem is still fundamental.

Winter is not too far away from us in this season, but in the cold winter, what we need is of course warmth. China has a vast territory, and the climate between the north and the south is quite different. How can we choose a water heater suitable for our families according to different regions? We will analyze your family needs, family members and regions.

 Instant intelligent thermostatic water heater

For families that use the water heater every day only for bathing, and the use of hot water is not large, we recommend that the water heater be turned on about an hour before bathing. If you take a bath at a relatively fixed time every day, you can purchase a computer-controlled water heater product and use its timed heating function to complete it. Turn off the water heater after bathing.

There is a big dispute about whether the fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater is a safe water heater. Some people think that the choice of a large brand of fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater can ensure safe use. Some people think that the fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater always has certain security risks. What is the answer?

Experts pointed out that the fast heating intelligent thermostatic water heater has great requirements for the use environment, and needs to be installed in a well ventilated place. When using, pay attention to maintaining air circulation. Because the fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater will release a large amount of exhaust gas, which is harmful to human health, and the release of CO when the combustion is insufficient is likely to cause poisoning, so the fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater is not a safety water heater.

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key word: Fast heating intelligent constant temperature water heater , Integrated intelligent thermostatic water heater , Instant intelligent thermostatic water heater

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